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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Day Vista came onto my PC

It was not so long that i saw my new vista coming back to life.
All i remember is it was a lazy afternoon in the mid of my holidays after the 5th
semester @ college , and it's like this new thing is just come to my mind. So i decided to give it a try .As you might have seen the screen shot above from my desktop , i hereby want to write say about 10 features which i liked in Vista the most , here they go :

Top 10 Favorite New Features

From the core to the cosmetic, there's a lot to like in Vista.

1. Improved security. Running as a standard user with limited permissions is finally practical. With User Account Control, even administrators operate with reduced-privilege credentials and have to verify attempts to "escalate"—in other words, to execute commands that could expose the OS to danger.

2. New Start menu. With integrated search, you can type in a path—such as C:\Users\John—to launch Windows Explorer there, or simply start typing in a program or filename.

3. Internet Explorer 7. It may not be as good as Firefox or Opera, but it's a big improvement over IE6. Sure, we groused about the lack of tabs—but they're finally here.

4. New Windows Explorer. Explorer makes file navigation easier, with breadcrumbs that let you jump to a specific level in the directory hierarchy, integrated search, live icons that show both a visual preview of a document and the app that it opens in, and buttons that make it easy to perform common context-­appropriate tasks.

5 .Live views of application windows. Press Windows-Tab to get this "Flip 3D" view, or Alt-Tab for a 2D view. Either way, task switching is clearer.

6. Faster, image-based installation process.

Improved backup, including full-disk imaging.

8. Ad hoc collaboration with Windows Meeting Space.

9. Mobility Center, it's the Best bet!!

New Reliability and Performance Monitor, Task Scheduler, and Event Logs

so just go and grab you copy!!!!

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